Saturday, April 21, 2007

Chick Magnet...

Coincidentally, in the same week, Tim and Will (my two RM guys who over the last few years have both made a connection with me in a real and unique way, where all I wanted was to have an emotional, dare I say 'romantic', close male friendship where we could really talk, feel, and connect in a bonding / non-sexual way, and because of that connection, I was forced into a realization once-and-for-all, confronting myself for the very first time in a serious and deep way, that I was forever and completely "gay" and to get over it and get on with it - and so I came out to myself and eventually to my wife as well and then started this blog and here I am rambling in the most ridiculous run-on sentence ever written that my AP English teacher would scold me with vehement delight - let's see where was I... oh, yeah, who write me or email me almost every week, something they've both done since their missions and who continue to do so, keep in touch - now how weird and uncommon is that - particularly to an old buzzard like me) who are far away at different universities studying their hearts out for finals week, wrote to me about the same subject. It seems my two guys have "girl problems".

So, obviously, since I'm the biggest CHICK MAGNET this planet has ever seen, and since I know everything there is to know about girls and their thoughts and wants and desires, they both in the same week came to ME asking for advice!

I don't know about you, but I feel honored in a certain way that they feel close enough to me and see me as one who can offer "wisdom" in this time of need, in this time of "decision" as, as it turns out, each is seriously contemplating taking the step into that world of "we're moving beyond really good friends and into the commitment stage". But, then I think... how stupid are these two guys? I mean, really - I'm the gay guy here, right? I'm the one who...

1. loved talking to girls in high school and studying together and the like, but you know, just as friends.

2. never kissed anyone seriously except my wife to be (okay there was one girl in high school, but she kissed me just so that when I went on my mission I'd be able to join in in the conversation with my companions admitting that I really had kissed a girl, so I wouldn't have to be embarrassed to admit that I really didn't ever kiss a girl - but of course, that doesn't really count when you analyze the motivation behind such a kiss...)

3. never seriously dated anyone but my wife-to-be and then really our first "real" date was the day AFTER we got engaged - there's a story behind that one, but no one cares to know the "why" behind such a confused and befuddled boy like myself in those difficult college years...

So, why would they come to me - the sensitive gay guy - now to ask for advice about women?

I would be dishonest if I didn't admit that I have mixed emotions about this new development in our relationships. I mean, I know that it was inevitable that this day would come that they would both find fine women to "change their worlds", as is only natural for straight (and sometimes gay guys - yes it really does happen!) and yes, though some following my saga may have doubts as how straight Tim really is (especially with our romantic embraces) I have no doubt... there is a longing for the magic that we once had, that time and distance are robbing us of. I'm happy for them. I'm truly not sad. But, looking from one step removed, though I'm convinced they will ever hold a firm and secure place in their hearts for what we have shared and experienced together, as I've allowed to be firm and secure in mine, there is a melancholy spirit to this new development for this gay man...

So, we now enter the phase where I share all of my knowledge about women! Hurry! Help me! Where is the address to wickopedia when you need it?...


Forester said...

Doesn't it feel great to be able to offer advice on both sides? Don't ever forget how much you have to offer those of us a few years behind yourself. I hope I make it as far as you have and can influence men on both sides of sex.

Beck said...

Forester: Thanks for your kind words, but I really don't feel like I can offer much of anything to either side when I feel so messed up myself!

But I really appreciate that you feel that way.