I really haven't posted on the elections. I try to keep my thoughts of politics to myself, not being one to debate the current issues. But after watching the debate last night, and enduring the last two years of the never-ending campaigns, I am so totally unmotivated by either candidate.
I am a person that is moved by passion. I am passionate about many things, including my family, my kids, the discovery of new things and new places (especially with an Italian connection), the thrill of great designs, the adrenalin rush of a fantastic view or breathtaking natural wonder, the joy of the gospel and impact of the spirit, the hush of the still small voice, the wonder of a gorgeous guy, the warmth of an intimate hug (had to throw that one in :))...
But, this political process is a major turn-off. The candidates instill in me the antithesis of passion. I feel lethargic and uninterested and turned off and repulsed by both. Neither has the answers... they just have the talking points (at one point, as I watched the debate with my mom, we both looked at each other and said "neither answers the question"... they give lip service to it and then move on to their own talking points). It was boring and non-inspirational and void of passion. There is no reason to vote for either, and if I vote for anyone else, it is a vote thrown away.
So what do I do? Am I alone out here? Is everyone else passionate for one of these guys? I feel so discouraged by the choices before us. I feel no passion for either and feel that no one can really do anything, nor be trusted or believed. I'm sick of the whole process and find the process is busted.
So, for those of you that are so passionate and find enlightenment and encouragement and excitement for the future with one of these candidates, can you so inspire me to get my passion back?
NOTE: The only thing I feel passionate about is "throwing the bums out"... all of them! And don't tell me that Obama is for "change" and McCain is for "the same old thing". From this point of view, they are both entrenched in "the same old thing".
I'll agree that they didn't answer anything--but it's made me check into them more. Both of their economic plans are going to send us into more debt--but McCain's plan will send us deeper, according to the Tax Council (or something like that--I found their website the other day.)
Politifact.com is a great website to help sift through the rhetoric and come to the best possible decision.
I am not sure I can explain my passion for Obama.
I have always loved this country. But when Obama won the Iowa Democratic primary THIS country became MY country. I didn't expect that to ever happen. I had always felt like an outsider; like I was here but others had a prior claim to America and I was just a Johnny Come Lately. I felt like a second tier American.
Now mind you I was born in America, raised in America and my parents taught me to love America -and- brown people have made great strides in the 55 years I have been alive -but- that primary win proved America was ready to take the next step. Here is where the words fail me. There is something about all of America possibly entrusting the reins of control to a black man that PROVES without a doubt that America is making room at the table for people like me. This WELCOMING is what I was reacting to. It was like I was no longer a party crasher but a welcomed guest.
That is just one thing I love about Obama but I am out of time.
In this election, we are not voting for who we consider to be the best man for the job - we are voting for who we consider to be the lessor of two evils.
And that doesn't inspire you with passion? Join the club :(
You are not alone. No passion felt here either.
KENGO: I'm sorry, but knowing that both economic plans will put us in the toilet does not make me feel "passionate" about either.
PHILIP: I respect and understand your passion and appreciate what it means for you. I don't see Obama as a minority finally getting it's shot at the upper tier. As amazing and wonderful as this is, I need something more to motivate me than just the color of his or anyone's skin or his or anyone's ethnicity.
ABE: So, you didn't answer what one can do about it? What are you going to do about it? I don't want to join the club - I want to be excited.
BROR: Okay, so I'm not alone, so what are we supposed to do?
Abelard, if you think they're Evil--find one of the other party candidates to vote for. If you're tired of the same-old-same-old with the Reps and the Dems, vote for one of these fine folk, if you feel they're a better choice--but regardless, VOTE. :D
I don't want to join the club - I want to be excited.
Trying to get excited about McCain vs Obama is like trying to get excited about a root canal vs a colonoscopy.
But, I'm sure your ballot will have more than just the presidential race. Perhaps you can get passionate about your next county sheriff or something. I'm trying to get excited about the race for railroad commissioner on our ballot. Go to vote-usa.org to enter your address and see your ballot.
kengo, I will be voting - I'm just not excited about any of our choices. However, isn't voting for someone other than McCain or Obama essentially just throwing my vote away. At least if I vote for McCain and Obama wins then I can say "don't blame me - I voted for the other guy". Of course, if McCain wins then I'm screwed :)
At the same time, if there were a third party showing like we got with Ross Perot, it might encourage the parties to be less extreme.
I don't intend for this to come across as preachy, though I'm sure it will anyway...
How many of the people who are complaining about this year's election being a choice of "the lesser of two evils" have been involved in any of the political process that leads to this point?
Right now, a month before the election, it's too late for one person to make much of a difference. But a few months ago, one person attending a district caucus meeting could directly effect who from that district ends up attending the party's county convention as a delegate. Perhaps he could even be that delegate.
Either way, he has an impact on who ultimately ends up becoming his party's candidate, at least on the local level, and his influence is felt right on up through the hierarchy to the national level.
If the current candidates don't share your values and political views, it's because you (and others who do share your views) didn't get involved when it could have made a difference.
(Wow. That really did sound preachy. Sorry about that!)
KENGO: There is no viable third party. The system does not permit it, no matter what lip service you want to give to it. This may have been the year for another try at it, but it didn't happen.
ABE: Thanks for still not giving up and still planning to vote. I will end up voting, and I know there are more races to vote for beyond the President, and I love to vote NO on all school board and judges that are running unopposed, but I still want to be more passionate about the top gun.
DICHO: Your comments are very appropriate. Sure, you're preaching but so what!
My wife and I have done the mass meetings and caucuses and my wife has even been a state delegate (talk about getting the attention of every candidate out there and mailings from everyone) and enjoyed the process, but when it comes to the top ticket, I still feel so helpless and hopeless.
Somehow the comment you directed at me made it clearer what I was trying to say.
What I was trying to convey had nothing to do with race or ethnicity. It had to do with finally being made part of the majority.
It's like America is edging toward redefining the majority and this time including African Americans and by extension people like me.
It's what I imagined happened to the Irish, Italians, Poles and other white ethnics when in the 60's America elected a President that happened to be Catholic.
Obama is our generation's JFK. This has the potential to be huge.
I have more enthusiasm for Senator Obama than you all seem to. For me, it's that I see in Barack a man of high intellect and character who will calmly and methodically begin to deal with the public policy train wreck that we've inherited after eight years of catastrophic leadership.
I understand that he will be limited by the constraints of the problems themselves. Change will come only incrementally.
MoHoHI, FWIW, I have a yard sign and a car-magnet for Obama. I'm an Obamanaut--I just figured that Beck didn't want me to derail his blog into a pro-Obama forum.
Not saying that you did either, just saying, you're not the only one who's really pleased with Obama on the whole.
Hey Beck,
I know how you feel...go by the VP's and you can choose Palin because she has nice shoes. I AM JOKING...
Really, I do know how you feel. I don't feel passion for either. And I agree it is the lesser of two evils.
I will say that when I hear Obama speak I feel inspired by him (not necessarily by the spirit). However, when I consider his lack of experience, and watch how he speaks of being for change and then engages in traditional political ploys like mud slinging and ignoring real questions then I lose hope.
With McCain I think perhaps he might have good experience but does he really have enough understanding of the economy to get us out of the mess we're in? I mean the man admitted not long ago that he didn't know much about the economy.
I really try to vote issues. And for me there are three top issues for this election. Honestly? Neither candidate has the right answers. Perhaps after this election a viable 3rd party will invigorate the election process...because too many people are so dissatisfied with the choices our current processes are giving us.
Basically I concur. No passion and still don't know who I'll vote for.
BTW Beck, I know your blog ebbs and flows with the patterns of real life...and I know it's not a daily thing. I wasn't being critical I was just voicing how muched I missed your posts...and not just the angsty posts...all of them.
You've become a friend and I love knowing what's going on in my friends life. Lately I haven't responded but I've been busy with a new job...but I am keeping up! :)
My own blog, we'll see...seems like I keep running out of time these days. And frankly I'm afraid people would fall asleep at their keyoards, LOL.
PHILIP: I see Obama as young and vigorous and spirited, but I don't see him as inspirational. There is something missing, something phony and concocted. It seems that he's like all other politicians - willing to say and do almost anything to get elected. I can't believe him.
I see McCain as old and worn out and without a clue of what to do, and he's certainly not my "friend". I find him empty and for me, years of experience in the Senate is a detriment, not an asset.
So, you may have your JFK of this generation, but I still don't see it.
MOHOH: I hope you're right, but I still lack the confidence you seem to have in Obama. And McCain makes me shake in my boots, fearing for the future!
KENGO: I don't care if this turns into a love-fest for Obama. I'd love to be convinced of something. All I have are doubts. I've lost my faith.
DAMON: You've summed up my feelings exactly! So, I ask you, as I've asked others - so what do we do?
As for blogging, I hope you know that I appreciate you and your comments and your friendship. You are insightful and delightful and I'd love to get to know you better and I still encourage you, if you feel so inclined, to blog. I, for one of many, would not find you boring, and having another voice in the ebb and flow of life's daily struggles, is of great value.
I tend to vote issues and long-term policies, not personalities. From what I've read, this makes me different from a majority of the American electorate. I couldn't give a flying flip what color a person's skin is, or what their ethnic background or gender may be. Show me what they've done, and what they propose to do.
From this approach, Mr. Obama is largely an empty suit. A charismatic talker but seems out of his depth with things like foreign policy, and adolescent in his inability to admit flat out when he's been wrong on something. He does not strike me as ready for prime time.
On the other hand, Mr. McCain has a record of actual achievement, but much of it is not in directions I like.
Neither one was very inspiring during last Tuesday's debate, which I watched with a buddy of mine. We kept turning to each other and saying "We heard this last time. Same old stuff." We finally got bored and turned it off before it was over.
I am not happy with either candidate. For an election which could be as pivotal for the country as this one, I am disappointed that the GOP has nominated an erratic senior whose age and inability to use a computer make him seem too out of touch, who has made very bad judgment calls in the past (McCain-Feingold) and who had to bring in outside help (Palin) to get his own party's base motivated enough to line up behind him.
And I'm disappointed that the Dems have nominated a smooth-talking kid whose proposals for "change" are right out of the old bigger government is better nanny state let us tell you how to run your life we know better than you do now hand over everything in your wallet playbook. In light of his inexperience, I fear that giving him the White House will be like giving a 12 year old the keys to the car, a case of whiskey, and saying "See you in Seattle in three weeks."
God help us.
God help us!
I'm not worried quite so much about experience, or knowledge of the economy, or whatever. Either candidate is going to surround himself with a cabinet of experts who will advise him on topics that he doesn't understand well enough.
I do care about the decisions that he makes based on their advice, so I look at past voting history and platform statements to get an idea of which candidate might be more likely to make decisions I agree with.
And if I'm still finding them six of one and half a dozen of the other, I look at their running mates.
I'm not sure I really care much for Biden or Palin, but of the two Palin has a higher chance of sitting in the oval office (based on McCain's age and past health issues) and of the two she's the one I worry the most about.
Based on that, I'm leaning toward Obama. If the heebie-jeebies I get when I imagine Palin as president can be considered a passion, I guess you might even be able to say I'm passionate about Obama. Yay.
LOL nice Dichotomy!
What sort of shape are we in when the only passion we can talk about in an election is the fear of someone being in office.
What to do? Like I know! I try to watch news/debates and think about what my best choices are.
The only advise I can give is to learn as much as you can and make the best choice possible.
I don't think it's EVER smart to not vote at all. So as not helpful as that advice is that is all I have because that's all I am doing.
LOL hey Beck I'm blogging now, LOL
DAMON: Yes, I'll vote... *sigh*
BTW, congrats on taking the step into the blogging world and into this corner of the queerosphere!
Welcome and may there be many more comments and sharing of ideas and good ol' angsty and joyful feelings as we journey down the paths before us.
DICHO: You're really not making me feel good here. Heebie jeebies are not passion, my friend!
I find it interesting with gays and our political leanings. What I've noticed is that the longer we're truly *out* the more we lean Democratic. Not to say that's 100%, hence the Log Cabin Republicans wouldn't exist.
However, like Alan, I tend to vote issues and long-term policies. Unlike Alan, however, in good conscience, I could no more support this train-wreck ideology (RAMPANT REPUBLICANISM) for another four years than I could deny that I'm gay. I mean, why would anyone who cares about their freedom to be gay and have equal rights support a Republican, Theocratic, Jingoistic ideology?
This isn't about Obama versus McCain. This is about civil liberties, social justice, restoring our good name abroad and at home and stopping the erosion of our rights as gay/gay identified people.
I read Obama's first book called DREAMS FROM MY FATHER. If you want to be inspired, I recommend you read it. It is a wonderful story of family and growing up and is amazingly candid and beautifully written.
As for the last debate, if you really analyze the two candidates responses, one kept saying over and over "I know how to do that." The other, demonstrated by his responses that he knows how to organize his thoughts and present logical, orderly answers. And when asked for priorities Obama had them--Energy, Health Care, Education--and he can explain why they are so important.
The following appeared in the SL Tribune a week or so ago. I think it really summarizes him well and stresses the things I like about him.
I like Barack Obama because of his phenomenal intelligence. I think it's cool he graduated from Columbia University with a degree in international relations and political science. I admire him for earning a juris doctorate magna cum laude from Harvard Law School. ...(and) for editing the Harvard Law Review. I think our president should be breathtakingly bright, and he's all that. ... I like Barack Obama because he conducts himself in a positive fashion. And because he inspires others to follow suit. When people disagree he works to find opportunities for connection between them.... He's a bridge builder.
I like Barack Obama because he cares about the poorest of the poor. He has shed a bunch of shoe leather walking disadvantaged neighborhoods, asking people what their concerns are and how he can help them. .... I like Barack Obama because he is an excellent writer. He penned two books, the first one 13 years ago, both New York Times No. 1 bestsellers, and he did it with only the smarts in his own head. No one ghosted for him. ....
I like Barack Obama because we have some of the same songs on our iPods. Also because he knows how to use an iPod, and even a computer.
I like Barack Obama because he has one house and one car. And one wife. Barack Obama had the good judgment to marry Michelle Obama - and he has stayed married to her.
I like Barack Obama because he is level-headed. You never hear that he has a wicked temper. You never see him lose his cool.
This demonstrates wisdom and a peaceful soul, qualities that will serve President Obama well, will serve our country well, and will make all of us look good.
To sum up, I think we tried "dumb" for 8 years. Now we need to give "intelligence" a shot at the presidency.
Sorry I gave you such a long response. I hope you will excuse it as a sign of "passion."
Ron, I liked your comment.
I also was impressed with Dreams From My Father. It's one of the reasons I supported Obama as early as last summer.
P.S. What's your view of CA Prop 8?
MARK: I'm not sure that electing McCain is "rampant Republicanism" as most likely the Senate and House will remain detrimentally Democratic. I am sick of both!
I appreciate your passion! This and those of others is what I'm lacking. I just don't want anybody.
RON: I love your "sign of passion"! You've done a lot of research (as always) and you've done more than I (as I sit here and complain about my choices). I admit that I need to read Obama's autobiography, but it still seems all so scripted to me, even to the point of one my age to have written years ago an autobiography.
But, I love your passion and you (along with other passionate souls here) have given me your reasons to vote FOR somebody, not just to vote AGAINST somebody. Voting AGAINST somebody or something never tastes as good going down.
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