Sunday, August 06, 2006


I'm leaving the country for a while. We need to get away.

Going to the other side of the world... hopefully for a spiritual renewal for not only me but my entire family.



AttemptingthePath said...

have a good one!

Samantha said...

How fun!! Have a great trip!

-L- said...

Hey Beck, how's everything? You can't still be in paradise, can you? Hope all is well with you.

Beck said...

tofupatti: I don't know if you'll read this as so much time has expired... but I wanted to thank you for the slap in the face. I read your comment from an internet cafe on the other side of the world and though I didn't have time to respond then, it gave me much to think about.

I have been cheating on my wife in my desires and I'm working on correcting that. I need to explain, however, that I am using my blog to articulate feelings that I would never share or articulate elsewhere. It is my internal debate about 22 year old guys that is going on inside - and this debate on my blog page is for me to work feelings out... I'm not going to go cruising with my wife, nor would I want to.

Anyway, I'm glad you're out there and contributing and hope you'll contribute again. I appreciate your viewpoint and it's made me think. Thanks for the wake-up call!